Denise Richards Onlyfans The 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' star explains in a new interview that she signed up for the platform which is often risky because it gives account holders the rights to their content, which is why she accepted the decision for Sam, 18 years old. "My daughter received a lot of backlash when she opened her account. I had heard of OnlyFans but had no idea what OnlyFans was and when I started to learn more, I really thought the people who made the site were. really took the best of each social media platform and put it on a website,” Richards, 51, told KTLA. Denise Richards explains why she joined OnlyFans after her 18-year-old daughter, Sami Sheen .deniserichards/Instagram "You own your content. Other sites can sell your content. We all post pictures of ourselves with swimsuits on Instagram and a few other sites with no difference other than that you actually own the content,” she added. Aluminium of "Re...
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